Proposed changes that would loosen Lawrence’s historic preservation rules are getting a mixed reaction, with some residents and local leaders expressing concern about less-stringent restrictions and others saying the changes wouldn’t go far enough. The city is in the process of revising Chapter 22 of the city code, which lays out rules related to the conservation of properties on the local historic register. The proposed changes loosen some requirements for the area around listed properties and make various other changes regarding how development is allowed to occur on or near those properties. Chapter 22 was originally adopted in 1988, and Lynne Braddock Zollner, the city’s historic resources administrator, said the city wanted to hear from residents about whether the proposed changes were doing too little or too much, as well as any other thoughts on the effort to modernize the code. “This is a process we’ve been undertaking for about the last 10 years, trying to bring the code up to more modern, current conditions,” she said.
Source: LJWorld