One evening early in Dan Oblinger’s career with the Wichita Police Department, he responded to a call he was unprepared for — a woman dangling over the guardrail on the top floor of the Bank of America parking garage downtown, intent on ending her life. She felt alone, without hope. He didn’t know what to do. He tried to tell her how she should feel and what she should do. That didn’t help. “That lasted probably 15 minutes, which doesn’t sound like a long time … but in that situation it feels like a lifetime,” the 42-year-old said, reflecting back on a career that was greatly influenced by the events of that night. “Then I shut up and started listening to her. She had some stuff to say so once I stopped trying to convince her — and I couldn’t say anything, because I didn’t know what to say — she actually started talking. Then I figured out you just have to ask some questions.”
Source: Local News | Wichita Eagle