The two-year grant will pay for additional staffing and community resources. Police Chief Robert Spinks announced the grant at the city commission’s work session on Thursday. City Manager Debbie Lamb said the grant will be for $506,380. Spinks said he proposed a demonstration project that focuses on domestic violence, prevention, intervention and support services. The county attorney, city attorney, Safe House advocates and other agencies will be involved. Parsons has seen increased rates of domestic violence incidents in recent years. Spinks said the grant will fund a new full-time detective sergeant position to focus on domestic violence. It also pays for a full time victim advocate working with victims in district court. The office space for the project will be Suite 4 at the training annex at 21st and Corning. He said Safe House administrators thought having the domestic violence center away from the police department was important. The grant also provides training, pays for office equipment and utilities. Funding will also be available to provide a motel room or basic needs for children in certain instances.
Source: Parsons Sun